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ECORE – ESG Circle of Real Estate

Initiative for ESG compliance in real estate portfolios

In Europe, buildings account for one third of CO2 emissions

Climate protection and the achievement of climate protection goals are of utmost importance! Society, politics and business must become even more involved. The members of the ECORE initiative have developed a scoring standard to make sustainability in real estate portfolios transparent, measurable and comparable. This is the basis for a continuous optimisation towards CO2 neutrality.

Community Partner

Community Partner Bpk
Community Partner Bnp Paribas
Partner Logo Capera
Community Partner Logo Cbre
Community Partner Logo Colliers
Partner Logo Ic Immobilien Gruppe
Community Partner Rmc Neu
Partner Logo Savills
Partner Logo Savills 2024
Partner Logo Voelkl

Initiated by



Verband Crem

„The topic of ESG is now gaining significant momentum due to advancing climate change and increasing regulation. In this environment, it is important that we no longer focus on purely qualitative considerations. The topic needs numbers and structural specifications. ECORE makes an important contribution in both areas!“

Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert, IREBS

Partner Logo Gefma

„Since the entry into force of the Disclosure Regulation, one of the remaining challenges is to translate the definitions of sustainable financial decisions, which are binding in the Taxonomy Regulation, into concrete measures through a transparent and measurable controlling tool.

With the ECORE sustainability scoring, a system is being developed that makes ESG criteria transparent and measurable at the real estate level. Facility management is an important pillar for creating the data basis on which ECORE can be applied. We are therefore pleased to be able to take an important step in the right direction together with all those involved.“

Robin Petersen, GEFMA Vorstand für Nachhaltigkeit und Energie

Verband Gcsp

„Our industry, and therefore our members, are mindful of the importance of the ESG rules that are now legally binding. We as an association must represent these interests in a bundled way in order to help shaping the new framework conditions and reflecting the results back into the industry.“

Christine Hager, Vorstandsvorsitzende des German Council of Shopping Places

Verband Gif

„As a real estate association that is committed to market standards and transparency, we see the challenges in the sustainable transformation of the (real estate) economy very clearly. We therefore support the ESG initiative ECORE with our scientific expertise and professional focus.“

Prof. Dr. Thomas Beyerle, Präsident der gif Gesellschaft für Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e. V.

Verband Biis

„The global ESG roadmap to 2050 will also challenge experts in the future. Expert reports will increasingly have to address market-relevant ESG risks as well as related opportunities of properties and locations. BIIS, like the entire industry, has set out on this path and will be a very active partner for ECORE in the planned reviewers committee.“

Birger Ehrenberg, Vorstandsvorsitzender Bundesverband der Immobilien-Investment-Sachverständigen

The way we want to achieve our goal in practice

Scoring & Benchmarking

Icon Scoring Benachmarking

In addition to ESG issues, the scoring also maps the required taxonomy criteria of the Paris Climate Agreement and the EU Green Deal. Stakeholders can identify how well a property or portfolio meets the climate targets and ESG criteria based on a percentage value from zero to 100. Further key components are a high operational benefit for each investor and comparability within his peer group.

Best Practice

Icon Best Practice

Investors and portfolio holders face major challenges on their way to CO2-neutral portfolios. A regular and trustful exchange on best practice approaches or success stories helps them to initiate the right measures to achieve climate protection goals. This philosophy has been followed by the ECORE initiative from the very beginning.


Icon Networking

The targeted expansion of the sustainability network between investors, ESG solution partners, innovation drivers as well as banks, insurance companies and relevant industry associations is the basis for the necessary open and interdisciplinary exchange. The climate goal can only be achieved through increasing collaboration among all market participants.

The scoring includes all relevant aspects of environment, social and governance issues

2022 02 07 Matrix Eng Pfade

Final scoring catalogues

Topic: Existing Buildings (In-Use)

Retail (high street)
Local suppliers
Retail parks
Shopping center
Care and Social real estate




The following companies offer ECORE-Verifier:

CASE Real Estate




Contact details for the individual verifiers can be found in the Member-Area.

Evaluate and compare buildings and portfolios individually using the ESG score (benchmarking)

2021 06 28 Diagramm En Pfade

Based on the uniform ESG criteria catalogue, a score is calculated that creates transparency for stakeholders (including tenants, investors, etc.) across all providers as to where the properties or portfolios are on the path to CO2 neutrality.

Investors, banks and insurance companies are enabled to classify real estate products in terms of their sustainability in the overall market within the framework of investment and financing processes.

ESG scoring with a clear USP

Regulatory requirements considered

All current regulatory requirements regarding the fulfilment of disclosure and management obligations for sustainability risks and opportunities are mapped.

Proportionate effort

The development was also focused on achieving a proportionality of the ESG scoring in terms of survey effort and costs.

Cross-portfolio view

The holistic approach takes into account cross-portfolio requirements and does not focus exclusively on the risk assessment of properties.

Cross-national comparability

ESG scoring enables international comparability of the performance of buildings and portfolios.

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Best Practice

Best Practice

ECORE sees itself as a dialogue and best practice platform for an open and trusting exchange among ECORE members.

The further development and adaptation of ESG scoring to changing framework conditions is a central component

Bild Text Networking



The fast-growing network of sustainability specialists among real estate investors is of great value for the achievement of the ESG goals.

The regular exchange with specialists (ESG Solution Partners ) who are responsible for the implementation of ESG solutions, is also established and successively expanded.

ECORE is committed to making a holistic contribution

For society

The members of the ECORE initiative are committed to making a significant contribution to the protection against the negative effects of the greenhouse effect

For our employees

The regular transfer of know-how helps the companies and their employees to successfully tread the decarbonisation path

For the real estate industry

The industry can only move forward in its own interest through a collaborative approach and a unified understanding

For investors and tenants

In order to enable stakeholders to transparently compare properties and real estate products, a recognised standard on sustainability is needed in the sector.

Become part of ECORE and get in touch with us!

If you have any questions about the work of the initiative or would like to become a member of the ECORE community, please feel free to contact us.

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